The Retreat in Progress

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Peacefulness in Minneapolis

In July 2016, I attended my second Garden Blogger's Fling in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area.  The first stop on the whirlwind trip of looking at gorgeous gardens and fabulous flora was the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary.  This 15 acre plot was the perfect location to begin the tour and ease us Flingers into the next few days.

The garden, although close to downtown Minneapolis, feels as though you have been transported into a land far, far away with its wooden pathways that lead through tall trees, peaceful sanctuaries, and a field of cattails.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Butterflies and Bees

This fall has seen an abundance of butterflies and bees in the yard.  This was the first year I had Gregg's Mistflower blooming and the monarch butterflies seemed to set up camp there.  They also fancied the Mexican Bush Sage, as did the bees. I had many different colors of butterflies from yellow, orange, black, white and grey, but these are only ones that would pose for me.